All of our concerts include an educational component - an informative introduction to the songs, the performers and to the world of opera at large. In addition to performing at our home venues, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madision, NJ, and St. Margaret Church, Morristown, NJ, our singers and music educators visit outside organizations presenting concerts, recitals and lectures.
We are proud of our commitment to the community. Our programs keep the opera art form alive and accessible to people of all backgrounds, education, and ages. We regularly provide outreach concerts for seniors, students, and underserved communities. We offer discounted rates to seniors and students, group rates, parking for buses, handicap accessible facilities and a parking shuttle. We work with schools, senior living communities and social organizations to facilitate attendance at our home venues in Madison and Morristown, and we'll bring performances to you!
Music educator Lou Barrella gives a series of visual presentations on Opera at Fairleigh Dickinson University - Madison Campus, and out in the community.
Let us know if we can bring Opera Talk to you!
In the Schools
In January 2020, board member, narrator, vocal coach, and FDU music teacher Mariana Karpatova took opera out into the community when she spoke and sang with the Select Choir at Ridgedale Middle School.
Let us know how we can enrich the music experience at your school!

Musical Commentary
One of the ways Opera at Florham fulfills its mission to educate the general public and in particular young people about opera is to offer background, stories and commentary by experts from the world of opera at our concerts. Narrators include Opera at Florham's Artistic Director Mary Pinto, Fairleigh Dickinson University vocal instructor and OaF board member, Mariana Karpatova, music educator Lou Barrella, and the singers themselves.